In Isaiah 45:1-3, the Bible say "God is ready to subdue nations that hinder your breakthrough and grant you favour before kings". Yes! He is ready to open doors that cannot be shut by anybody. Not only that, he is ready to break down every blockade against your destiny and release to you.......the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.
However, there is a secret you must know in Psalm 33:1-3: Rejoice in the Lord O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright...... The comely means inviting, attractive, irresistible or tantalizing. Praise tantalizes God. When you are praising God you are giving Him an invitation He cannot resist.
In prayer we beg God to act; in praise, we invite God to perform. It is possible for you to pray wrongly, but you can praise amiss. So, if you want God to visit you, then praise Him; let your thanks go up to Him. Praise begins from the heart. Praise is not a feelings it is not done out of convenience. Praise is not a decision. Psalm 57:7 says: My heart is fix O God, my heart is fixed: i will sing and give praise. So, praise is joyful decision that you must make. You may not be happy with what is happening to you but joy comes from the Lord. When you praise God, He opens the fountain of joy that will take you to the next level of life.
Psalm 16:11 says: your presence there is fullness of joy; and at your right hand there are pleasure forever. The joy of the Lord brings pleasure that take away pressures. Your breakthrough in life is directly proportional to your praise life. No praise, no breakthrough. Low praise means low breakthrough: High praise means high breakthrough. Habakkuk 3:19 say " God will make you walk in high places."
There are three roadblocks to praise and thanksgiving.
Jeremiah 9:23-24 say .....let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches........ saith the Lord. The first is wisdom of men; the second is the might of men; and the last is riches. Your wisdom cannot take you anywhere is God is not involved. He is the one that make you whatever you are in life.
1st Timothy 6: 20-21 says ......keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: which some professing have erred concerning the faith..... The fool in Luke 12:16-21 died because he refuse to acknowledge God. Money is a defense only when God is involved.Anything you that God cannot use is already useless.
Praise is gainful: Psalm 145:15-16 says it is God that ....satisfiest the desire of every living thing. Giving God thanks and praises brings God into your affair.
We praise God because He has the power to do all things: Psalm 115:1-3 says: ......But our God is in heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
Praising God helps locate the missing link: In our relationship with God, He is the fixed factor; we are variables. When things are not working, this is always something missing. In Mark 10:1 Jesus told the rich thing thou lackest..... When you praise God, He opens your eyes as to why the breakthrough is not taking place.
Praising God helps locate the missing link: In our relationship with God, He is the fixed factor; we are variables. When things are not working, this is always something missing. In Mark 10:1 Jesus told the rich thing thou lackest..... When you praise God, He opens your eyes as to why the breakthrough is not taking place.
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord
and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
To shew forth thy loving kindness in the morning ,
and thy faithfulness every night.
Praise is the gateway to supernatural harvest: Psalm 67:5-7 say: Let the people praise thee O God Let all the people praise thee: then shall the earth yield her in increase.... Joel 1:11-12 says the reason the harvest of the field perishes is because joy is dead. When we pay our tithes and vows and give offerings, we are sowing seeds.By prophesying over them. we are watering the seeds; but when we praise, we reap the harvest.
Praise provoke supernatural increase and multiplication: Jeremiah 30:19 says: And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving.....In John 6:6-11, Jesus was faced with 5,000 men and had only five loaves and two fishes to feed them. After thanksgiving, multiplication set in. When you are faced with little, give God thanks. and it will multiply. Anytime there is a lack, sing praises to God. Murmuring can only diminish the little you have.
Praise engenders fulfillment of prophecies: Abraham waited 25years for the promise of a child. What was Abraham's secreat? Romans 4:20 says: He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. Then in Gensis 21:1 God visited Sarah and fulfilled His promise to her. what if Abraham was murmuring? You must always consider God faithful, no matter the situation.
Praises provokes anointing for breakthrough: In Psalm 92:1-10, it is thanksgiving that brings fresh anonting which cause your eyes to see your desire upon your enemies.Praise makes the righteous to flourish like palm tree and grow like the ceder in Lebanon. In Isaiah 61:1-3, it is when you put on the garment of praise that you begin to have your breakthrough.
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